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Top 5 Ways to Fight Off Colds & Flu
It’s that time of year again. It seems like half of us are coughing and sneezing and you’re often either one of them or convinced you’re about to become one of the afflicted! So, what can you do to prevent or fight it off? The best thing to do is be aware of how you can maintain and strengthen the immune system. The immune system is vital in both helping maintain good health and also preventing colds, coughs and flu etc from taking hold. 1. Vitamin DKnown as the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D is effective at killing off undesirable bacteria...
The Pros & Cons of Drinking Coffee
Many of us rely on coffee to get us going in the morning and provide a 'pick me up' type boost throughout the day. There have been a lot of studies on coffee, with differing views in some cases as to it's pros and cons in terms of our health. What Happens In Our Body When We Drink Coffee?Coffee contains caffeine, a stimulant that acts on the central nervous system. Caffeine gives us a feeling of increased alertness and a short-lived energy boost. Scientific studies seem to indicate maximum alertness is gained from just two cups of coffee a day. The liver metabolises caffeine and excretes the...
Organic Food - Is It Better For Us?
We’ve all seen the word ‘organic’ on numerous food and drink labels, not to mention beauty products and even textiles – it seems almost impossible not to see an organic version of many foods you see in a supermarket, especially when it comes to vegetables and meat. The first thing most of us notice is the price difference, varying from a little bit more to an awful lot more depending on the product or brand. With more of us than ever on a tight budget nowadays, cost can be a major issue and rightly so. Is organic mainly marketing hype? A reason to extract even more...
Vitamin D - Are you getting enough?
Vitamin D – the ‘sunshine vitamin’ – is a hormone naturally produced from cholesterol when your skin is exposed to sunlight. What can Vitamin D do for my health? Research studies are uncovering new benefits of Vitamin D all the time. There are many known benefits, with some of the main ones being: Bone strength – strengthens bones and helps prevent osteoporosis and the risk of falls for the elderly Physical strength – strengthens the upper and lower limbs Cancer prevention – some studies have highlighted a reduction in the risk of various types of cancer. One study indicated that 1,100IU per day with calcium...
Essential Fatty Acids - essential to our health
Found mainly in fish, animals and vegetables, Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are as they suggest – essential to human health. The essential fatty acids we need to be most concerned about, Omega-3 and Omega-6, can be both saturated and unsaturated fats. They cannot be manufactured within the body, so must be obtained from the diet. What Are The Best Food Sources? Omega-3 Omega-6 Oily Fish (eg. mackerel, salmon, sardines) Meat (organic and grass-fed are best) Flaxseed (Linseed) Fish Chia Seeds Egg yolk Hemp Seeds Avocado Nuts (especially walnuts) Nuts (especially walnuts) Leafy green veg Seed and nut oils (eg. avocado, walnut)...