Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 - Loneliness
The Mental Health Foundation UK have chosen loneliness as their official Awareness Week topic for 2022 (9 - 15 May).
One in four adults feel lonely some or all of the time.
In terms of loneliness, there’s no single cause and there’s no one solution. After all, we’re all different! But, the longer we feel lonely, the more we are at risk of mental health problems. Some people are also at higher risk of feeling lonely than others.
For Mental Health Awareness Week this year, the Mental Health Foundation are raising awareness of the impact of loneliness on mental health and the practical steps we can take to address it.
There's some really useful information and resources over at The Mental Health Foundation web site related to coping with loneliness, such as stories, advice, tips and how to help others. You will also find more general advice on different mental health topics and how to get the help you or others might need.
A dedicated hashtag #IveBeenThere can be used across social media to help find associated information and help your own comments to be easier found by others.